Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Blueberry Season

Well as I write this, I have blueberry bars in the oven and they smell sooooo good.  I used lemon instead of the almond flavor.  My BFF's husband has already picked over 40 quarts of blueberries.  I am so grateful he likes to share.  Weather has been very warm, but I still have got some sewing done.  Been sewing little girls dresses and just got my order in the mail from Karen at Sew Karen-ly Created.  Guess I'll be taking a trip to the fabric store so I can get started on the new projects...what a shame! 

Here are a few pictures of the dresses I've made so far.
 I am planning on opening a shop on, but I haven't gotten that finished yet.  I've also been working on my digital scrapbooking.  Bingo chat tomorrow night at I guess it's been so long since I've had so much time to do the things I love, I'm trying to fit it all in at the same time.  I'll get organized yet.  It's best to stay busy and have less time for thinking .
Gotta run....blueberry bars are ready. 

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